Spring Breaks are for the most part over and the Beach traffic is tolerable. Things are returning to normal. I currently have 3 Associates living and working on the beach (the "Beach Crew") They are the go to group for any of your Real Estate needs on St. Pete Beach & Pinellas County. While the "Beach Crew" is working the beach I myself am back in Lakeland (Polk County)rebuilding our market there. I am working with clients while I hire a new Broker Associate and a handful of Sales Associates to handle the booming Real Estate business in the area. Schools will be out for the Summer before you know it and people will be moving during the Summer Moving Season. If you are looking to sell now is the time to get your home listed. We offer greatly discounted listing rates saving you in some cases thousands of $$$'s. Discounted rates without sacrificing service. If your a buyer you need to start looking now so that you can get in be...