Starting a new week in Lakeland. Still unpacking and settling in but I'm ready to hit the ground running. Plan on setting up meetings with prospective clients as well as area Realtor's. I am excited to be back in the community and anxious to get started building back up our market share in Lakeland / Polk County. If you are considering selling your home or Commercial building feel free to reach out to me, Broker Richard Castret 863-640-3127 or email me Also if you are looking to purchase I have over 14 years living and working here so I know where the deals and values are! ALSO AREA REALTORS! I am actively recruiting Associates. We are a NO FEES & HIGH COMMISSIONS BROKERAGE Want to learn more??? Contact me: 863-640-3127. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. If you want to earn more and pay out less we are worth the look.