After being in the Real Estate business for 17 years I have seen many "gimmicks" come and go. When the Real Estate market is good you'll find many different outsiders try and worm their way in to the business. They use their deep pocket capital to detract from hard working Realtors that have been taking care of clients through the good and bad. They spend big $$$'s advertising in the media selling their new gimmick. It started many years ago with "For Sale By Owner" and today it is "Offer Pad" and others. Most are here today and gone tomorrow. Most of us hard working professionals lack the resources to counter their advertising. We spend a lot of time in educating our clients as to the pitfalls of going in those directions but unfortunately it is part of what we do. To the client: Do your homework and if it seems to good to be true, chances are it is! I have found nothing beats good old customer service. As a Realtor a couple common sense tips ...
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