What has the Real Estate Industry became?

I started my career in 2001 in Lakeland Florida. I moved to Florida from NW Ohio not knowing anyone in the area. I was in the Automotive business for 28 years up North and was looking for a change.
The challenge for me was building up a "circle of influence" in a totally new area. My children were of school age and one of the tools for me was becoming involved in the community. Coaching my kids through Baseball, Softball and Soccer I was able to meet a lot of new friends and subsequently clients. I totally enjoyed either helping people find a new home or helping them sell theirs. Being a Realtor was a great career and a lot of fun.
Things have changed a great deal over the years. Our industry has became a combination of pyramid schemes and gimmicks designed to confuse the public and causing Realtor's to lose focus on the task at hand, selling Real Estate.
As a Broker I refuse to become part of the game. Advantage Realty Florida is focused on one thing, SELLING REAL ESTATE!
I only recruit enough Associates to handle the clients needs in any given area. By doing this we all keep busy and make $$$'s without competing from within. Since we don't charge our Associates any fees there is nothing to be gained by over saturation. We are primarily a "virtual office" concept in many areas so that we can pay higher commissions to our Associates.
If you have been doing this (selling Real Estate) for a while I'm guessing that you feel much like I do. The joy comes from the look on the clients face when you get the job done for them. Let's get back to what we should be doing.
Feel free to contact me Broker Richard Castret email: AdvantageRealtyFL@outlook.com and I'll gladly send you our brochure and current commissions schedule.


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