The Cheap Seats

Good Monday Morning! There are many pitfalls in this business however today I'm just addressing one of them: "GETTING CAUGHT IN THE CHEAP SEATS" Over the years I have used this term along with the question are you a Wheel Estate Agent? When you are young and starting out or in an Office that cherry picks referral's feeding the high $$$ ones to office favorites you can get trapped being either one. I was able to avoid being either by setting myself out right from the start working higher priced properties. If that is what you list that is the type of buyers you will attract. I am not saying don't sell an occasional Mobile Home or a major fixer upper but make the bulk of your listings high end quality homes. Easier said than done?? Not really, I have a system that I developed and I share that with all my Associates. In this business image is everything, paint yourself a good one! Have a great week everyone! Talk with you next week when the topic will...